The idea of multidimensional non-linear spectrography (MNLS) – formerly called “OBERON” – is the basis for our holistic thinking.
It is about seeing man with his spirit, his soul and his organism as a complex being, which does everything but work linearly from A to B. The aim is to make the human being a complex being. Instead, it perceives all possible connections and thus allows communication between every component of our being.
Whether we call this communication “transformation phases”, “information field” or “cell communication” is a question of perspective. It doesn’t matter which discipline you come from, “The New Kind” represents the combination of all approaches and conveys how to deal with this complex understanding of life and health.
According to current knowledge, the information that reaches a human being is what influences our Not only food, but also thoughts, the attitude to health of client and consultant and everything else that surrounds us, carry information and nutritional values into people (A currywurst with fries definitely has other information stored and thus other effects than good steamed vegetables with rice)
Many scientists like Bruce Lipton, Prof. Gariaev, Emoto Masuru or Heisenberg show us that every body cell needs an optimal supply of in formations in order to work optimally and reproduce DNA optimally. We already find all these indications in thousands of years old writings of Western medicine.
The MNLS method has already shown astonishing results in numerous healing experiments. However, we would like to point out that the method can be attributed to complementary/alternative medicine. The presented methods and systems as well as their effects are neither proven nor scientifically recognized in classical orthodox medicine.
The MNLS diagnosis or the content of this website cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis and treatmentfrfre.